
Voice to text

Automatic collection of meeting content in your language

Needyu captures voice conversations during online meetings and converts them into text, storing all information centrally and organized. This facilitates access and management of discussed data.

Real-time intelligence

Insights, accuracy, responses, counterpoints during the meeting

Have you ever thought about receiving valuable insights, verifying the accuracy of information, getting responses from different perspectives, and even having counterpoints to reflect on in real time, all helping in decision making? Needyu does all this for you.

Quick inclusion of knowledge sources

Include documents and request quick summaries and analyses in real-time

During meetings, decision-making is essential, but often delayed due to the need to consult cited or shared documents. With Needyu, you no longer have to wait. Just attach the document and ask questions about the content directly to the platform. This speeds up decisions and makes your meetings more efficient.

Automatically generate documents

Generate meeting minutes, medical records, interview dossiers with one click

With just one click, request Needyu to create the meeting minutes, PowerPoint presentations, and customized documents, such as medical records and prescriptions. All documents are prepared for professional signatures with the necessary licenses, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Real-time intelligence

Get Insights for you during and after your online meetings

We carefully organize the information from each online meeting in the meeting center. By accessing the history of each session, users can obtain valuable insights that are automatically recorded, in addition to requesting new analyses based on the topics discussed among participants.

During the meeting, all requested insights are carefully listed. After the meeting, you still have the opportunity to request additional analyses based on the discussed topics.
Analyzes your behavior during meetings, providing feedback on your communication, decision-making, and performance. This analysis aims to enhance your human development.
The system identifies and records the mood of the meetings, categorizing them as neutral, positive, or negative. This perception helps to understand and improve the emotional climate of each meeting.
All agreements and commitments established during the meeting are automatically recorded, facilitating the organization and continuity of planned actions.
Important questions that remain unanswered are automatically documented, ensuring that no critical points are forgotten.
The platform provides and records counterpoints, enriching your knowledge and offering a broader perspective both professionally and personally.
Performs information validations and verifies the accuracy of the data discussed, ensuring the precision and reliability of the information handled in the meeting.
Delivers a summary in a few seconds, organized in easy-to-understand topics. This intelligence saves up to 80% of the time dedicated to generating notes and organizations.
Note taking

User settings

We offer complete integration with Google and Microsoft, allowing you to register quickly, easily, and securely using your account. With just a few clicks, you can connect to our platform without the need to fill out extensive forms or create new passwords. For the B2B market, we offer customized integrations with private enterprise users.

Note taking

Data stored directly in the user's private drive

Data is securely stored in the user's Google Drive or One Drive, without accessing other folders beyond the one specifically created for Needyu. This ensures efficient data management while respecting privacy.

Note taking

Users worldwide can use it in their native languages

We are available in over 10 languages with all our content and intelligence available in Portuguese (PT-BR), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), Japanese (JA), Korean (KO), Russian (RU), and Chinese (ZH).